Hilary Franz (WA-06) U.S. House Candidate Dec 13 Written By Brett Broesder BACKGROUND: Primary Election: August 6, 2024General Election: November 5, 2024Democrat Hilary Franz is running for Congress in Washington’s 6th District.With her extensive background as a non-profit leader, Franz is the perfect candidate to bring positive change to her community.Press Release | Donate | Donate (IE) Hilary FranzWashingtonWA06CongressNon-profitNon-profit leaderDemocratEndorsedEntrepreneurSmall Business Brett Broesder https://abettercampaign.com
Hilary Franz (WA-06) U.S. House Candidate Dec 13 Written By Brett Broesder BACKGROUND: Primary Election: August 6, 2024General Election: November 5, 2024Democrat Hilary Franz is running for Congress in Washington’s 6th District.With her extensive background as a non-profit leader, Franz is the perfect candidate to bring positive change to her community.Press Release | Donate | Donate (IE) Hilary FranzWashingtonWA06CongressNon-profitNon-profit leaderDemocratEndorsedEntrepreneurSmall Business Brett Broesder https://abettercampaign.com